Thursday, July 03, 2014

They make THOSE in Jamaica?

Roll, roll, roll, push, push, push. Nothing new here, nothing new here, wait...hold on (reverses a step or two), did I just see a label that says wheat free? Ooo a new product!

Even when we go to the supermarket with a set, short grocery list, we browse as many aisles as our time schedule will allow, checking out the products available. Every now and then a new wheat allergy friendly product will make its debut or return - a comeback of sorts - and more often than not, a brand reformulates a product to be free of wheat or gluten. This time around the new product was our best treasure discovery yet. It was a cake mix, but not just any cake mix; this cake mix was made in Jamaica! Yes, a made in Jamaica, product of Jamaica cake mix labelled with "free from" tags, right there in the baking goods aisle. A cake mix that was naturally gluten free, wheat free and dairy free - the power of cassava as a good alternative utilized! Build Jamaica, buy Jamaican - we snagged one of those beautifully designed, conveniently resealable packages of Creation Foods Cassava Cake Mix.

Naturally, we were skeptical. It has been our experience that not every wheat free alternative is great. While some brands truly commit to making a deliciously edible product line and succeed, others seem to insist on going the hard to swallow route. 

We followed the instructions on the label, opting to use vegetable (soya bean) oil, cow's milk and eggs (they also placed an egg free alternative recipe on the back of the package). While we waited for it to bake in the oven, the sweet aroma that wafted up the stairs was mouth watering. But would the smell belie the taste?

In the stated time on the package, it was ready. We took a slice off the top before doing a rather hasty job of applying the frosting (it's summer, who can function in this heat?). Oh Creation Foods, you got it so right with this cake mix and recipe. A delicious plain cake it certainly was. Perfectly moist while the structure maintained its integrity each time a slice was taken - no crumbling.

The wonderful taste of Creation Foods Cassava Cake Mix makes it evident that it's not the wheat that makes the cake. The product can stand up to, and even knock out if there were a match, the typical wheat flour cake mix of similar flavour. It is no interior alternative.

As stated in Wheat Free Grocery Finds - Lee's we found it at Lee's Food Fair (supermarket) at Boulevard Super Centre in St. Andrew. The price, including tax, was JM$276.

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